Name | Head Of The Organization | Contact Details | E-Mails | Address |
DAMICOM UTILAJE SRL | +373 022 407768 +373 022 407733 +373 022 407769 | şos.Munceşti 426/3 MD-2002 mun.Chişinău |
Type Of Equipment | Producer | Model Name | Technical Information | Identification Number | Local Supplier |
Multi-stage operated chiller (compressor) | Atlas Copco | GA 200-500 GA 90+ -160+ / GA 132-160 VSD AQ 30-55/ AQ 37-55 VSD ZR/ZT55-90 and ZR/ZT90 VSD ZT/ZR 110-750 & ZR 132-900 VSD ZE/ZA 2-6 VSD P-series reciprocating compressors ZH4000+ – 26000+ | PC-009 | DAMICOM UTILAJE SRL |